The best prices for car rental in Boa Vista

We compare the prices from local car hire companies

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Cancel up to 24h before pick-up and get a full refund. No questions asked.

Rent the perfect car

Choose from all car types including Economy, Family Cars, Vans or Scooters.

Support local businesses

Our partners are local car rental companies, most of them family owned and managed.

What our Customers say

Rent a car in Boa Vista

With beautiful white-sand beaches, crystal-clear waters, and sunny weather, Boa Vista is a haven for beach lovers and water sports enthusiasts. But there's much more to Boa Vista than just its stunning coastline.

The island's interior is dominated by desert-like terrain, with vast expanses of sand dunes, rocky mountains, and cactus-filled valleys. Visitors can take guided tours to explore these areas and learn about the island's history and ecology.

Boa Vista is also home to a vibrant local community with a rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the island's small towns and villages, where they'll find colorful colonial-style buildings, lively markets, and friendly locals eager to share their traditions and way of life.

A car rental may not be essential for those staying just a few days on Boa Vista, as taxis and "aluguer" can get you around. However for those who want to explore all of the island's hidden gems it's highly recommend to rent a car. We work with car rental suppliers in Boa Vista to offer you car rental in all the main cities and spots on the island, including Sal Rei, Praia de Chaves, Santa Monica Beach, and the Rabil Airport. With a rental car, visitors can easily travel between destinations and discover all that Boa Vista has to offer at their own pace.